博客 Apache Flink 1.14.3 版本发布

Apache Flink 1.14.3 版本发布

   数栈君   发表于 2022-01-25 10:06  1238  0

2022 年 1 月 17 日 Thomas Weise ( @thweise ) & Martijn Visser ( @martijnvisser82 )

Apache Flink 社区发布了 Apache Flink 1.14 系列的第二个 bugfix 版本。第一个错误修复版本是 1.14.2,这是由于 Apache Log4j 零日 (CVE-2021-44228) 而紧急发布的版本。Flink 1.14.1 被废弃。这意味着这个 Flink 版本是 Flink 1.14 系列的第一个错误修复版本,其中包含与上述 CVE 无关的错误修复。

此版本包括 Flink 1.14.0 的 164 个修复和小改进。下面的列表包括错误修正和改进。有关所有更改的完整列表,请参阅:JIRA。

我们强烈建议所有用户升级到 Flink 1.14.3。

更新了 Maven 依赖项:



    Release Notes - Flink - Version 1.14.3



  • [FLINK-24355] - Expose the flag for enabling checkpoints after tasks finish in the Web UI


  • [FLINK-15987] - SELECT 1.0e0 / 0.0e0 throws NumberFormatException

  • [FLINK-17914] - HistoryServer deletes cached archives if archive listing fails

  • [FLINK-19142] - Local recovery can be broken if slot hijacking happened during a full restart

  • [FLINK-20195] - Jobs endpoint returns duplicated jobs

  • [FLINK-20370] - Result is wrong when sink primary key is not the same with query

  • [FLINK-21289] - Application mode ignores the pipeline.classpaths configuration

  • [FLINK-21345] - NullPointerException LogicalCorrelateToJoinFromTemporalTableFunctionRule.scala:157

  • [FLINK-22113] - UniqueKey constraint is lost with multiple sources join in SQL

  • [FLINK-22954] - Don't support consuming update and delete changes when use table function that does not contain table field

  • [FLINK-23614] - The resulting scale of TRUNCATE(DECIMAL, ...) is not correct

  • [FLINK-23704] - FLIP-27 sources are not generating LatencyMarkers

  • [FLINK-23827] - Fix ModifiedMonotonicity inference for some node

  • [FLINK-23919] - PullUpWindowTableFunctionIntoWindowAggregateRule generates invalid Calc for Window TVF

  • [FLINK-24156] - BlobServer crashes due to SocketTimeoutException in Java 11

  • [FLINK-24232] - Archiving of suspended jobs prevents breaks subsequent archive attempts

  • [FLINK-24291] - Decimal precision is lost when deserializing in test cases

  • [FLINK-24310] - A bug in the BufferingSink example in the doc

  • [FLINK-24315] - Cannot rebuild watcher thread while the K8S API server is unavailable

  • [FLINK-24318] - Casting a number to boolean has different results between 'select' fields and 'where' condition

  • [FLINK-24331] - PartiallyFinishedSourcesITCase fails with "No downstream received 0 from xxx;"

  • [FLINK-24336] - PyFlink TableEnvironment executes the SQL randomly MalformedURLException with the configuration for 'pipeline.classpaths'

  • [FLINK-24344] - Handling of IOExceptions when triggering checkpoints doesn't cause job failover

  • [FLINK-24353] - Bash scripts do not respect dynamic configurations when calculating memory sizes

  • [FLINK-24366] - Unnecessary/misleading error message about failing restores when tasks are already canceled.

  • [FLINK-24371] - Support SinkWriter preCommit without the need of a committer

  • [FLINK-24377] - TM resource may not be properly released after heartbeat timeout

  • [FLINK-24380] - Flink should handle the state transition of the pod from Pending to Failed

  • [FLINK-24381] - Table API exceptions may leak sensitive configuration values

  • [FLINK-24401] - TM cannot exit after Metaspace OOM

  • [FLINK-24407] - Pulsar connector chinese document link to Pulsar document location incorrectly.

  • [FLINK-24408] - org.codehaus.janino.InternalCompilerException: Compiling "StreamExecValues$200": Code of method "nextRecord(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;" of class "StreamExecValues$200" grows beyond 64 KB

  • [FLINK-24409] - Kafka topics with periods in their names generate a constant stream of errors

  • [FLINK-24431] - [Kinesis][EFO] EAGER registration strategy does not work when job fails over

  • [FLINK-24432] - RocksIteratorWrapper.seekToLast() calls the wrong RocksIterator method

  • [FLINK-24465] - Wrong javadoc and documentation for buffer timeout

  • [FLINK-24467] - Set min and max buffer size even if the difference less than threshold

  • [FLINK-24468] - NPE when notifyNewBufferSize

  • [FLINK-24469] - Incorrect calcualtion of the buffer size in case of channel data skew

  • [FLINK-24480] - EqualiserCodeGeneratorTest fails on azure

  • [FLINK-24488] - KafkaRecordSerializationSchemaBuilder does not forward timestamp

  • [FLINK-24492] - incorrect implicit type conversion between numeric and (var)char

  • [FLINK-24506] - checkpoint directory is not configurable through the Flink configuration passed into the StreamExecutionEnvironment

  • [FLINK-24540] - Fix Resource leak due to Files.list

  • [FLINK-24543] - Zookeeper connection issue causes inconsistent state in Flink

  • [FLINK-24550] - Can not access job information from a standby jobmanager UI

  • [FLINK-24551] - BUFFER_DEBLOAT_SAMPLES property is taken from the wrong configuration

  • [FLINK-24552] - Ineffective buffer debloat configuration in randomized tests

  • [FLINK-24563] - Comparing timstamp_ltz with random string throws NullPointerException

  • [FLINK-24596] - Bugs in sink.buffer-flush before upsert-kafka

  • [FLINK-24597] - RocksdbStateBackend getKeysAndNamespaces would return duplicate data when using MapState

  • [FLINK-24600] - Duplicate 99th percentile displayed in checkpoint summary

  • [FLINK-24608] - Sinks built with the unified sink framework do not receive timestamps when used in Table API

  • [FLINK-24613] - Documentation on orc supported data types is outdated

  • [FLINK-24647] - ClusterUncaughtExceptionHandler does not log the exception

  • [FLINK-24654] - NPE on RetractableTopNFunction when some records were cleared by state ttl

  • [FLINK-24662] - PyFlink sphinx check failed with "node class 'meta' is already registered, its visitors will be overridden"

  • [FLINK-24667] - Channel state writer would fail the task directly if meeting exception previously

  • [FLINK-24676] - Schema does not match if explain insert statement with partial column

  • [FLINK-24678] - Correct the metric name of map state contains latency

  • [FLINK-24691] - FLINK SQL SUM() causes a precision error

  • [FLINK-24704] - Exception occurs when the input record loses monotonicity on the sort key field of UpdatableTopNFunction

  • [FLINK-24706] - AkkaInvocationHandler silently ignores deserialization errors

  • [FLINK-24708] - `ConvertToNotInOrInRule` has a bug which leads to wrong result

  • [FLINK-24728] - Batch SQL file sink forgets to close the output stream

  • [FLINK-24733] - Data loss in pulsar source when using shared mode

  • [FLINK-24738] - Fail during announcing buffer size to released local channel

  • [FLINK-24761] - Fix PartitionPruner code gen compile fail

  • [FLINK-24773] - KafkaCommitter should fail on unknown Exception

  • [FLINK-24777] - Processed (persisted) in-flight data description miss on Monitoring Checkpointing page

  • [FLINK-24789] - IllegalStateException with CheckpointCleaner being closed already

  • [FLINK-24792] - OperatorCoordinatorSchedulerTest crashed JVM on AZP

  • [FLINK-24835] - "group by" in the interval join will throw a exception

  • [FLINK-24846] - AsyncWaitOperator fails during stop-with-savepoint

  • [FLINK-24858] - TypeSerializer version mismatch during eagerly restore

  • [FLINK-24874] - Dropdown menu is not properly shown in UI

  • [FLINK-24885] - ProcessElement Interface parameter Collector : java.lang.NullPointerException

  • [FLINK-24919] - UnalignedCheckpointITCase hangs on Azure

  • [FLINK-24922] - Fix spelling errors in the word "parallism"

  • [FLINK-24937] - "kubernetes application HA test" hangs on azure

  • [FLINK-24938] - Checkpoint cleaner is closed before checkpoints are discarded

  • [FLINK-25022] - ClassLoader leak with ThreadLocals on the JM when submitting a job through the REST API

  • [FLINK-25067] - Correct the description of RocksDB's background threads

  • [FLINK-25084] - Field names must be unique. Found duplicates

  • [FLINK-25091] - Official website document FileSink orc compression attribute reference error

  • [FLINK-25096] - Issue in exceptions API(/jobs/:jobid/exceptions) in flink 1.13.2

  • [FLINK-25126] - FlinkKafkaInternalProducer state is not reset if transaction finalization fails

  • [FLINK-25132] - KafkaSource cannot work with object-reusing DeserializationSchema

  • [FLINK-25134] - Unused RetryRule in KafkaConsumerTestBase swallows retries

  • [FLINK-25222] - Remove NetworkFailureProxy used for Kafka connector tests

  • [FLINK-25271] - ApplicationDispatcherBootstrapITCase. testDispatcherRecoversAfterLosingAndRegainingLeadership failed on azure

  • [FLINK-25294] - Incorrect cloudpickle import

  • [FLINK-25375] - Update Log4j to 2.17.0

  • [FLINK-25418] - The dir_cache is specified in the flink task. When there is no network, you will still download the python third-party library

  • [FLINK-25446] - Avoid sanity check on read bytes on DataInputStream#read(byte[])

  • [FLINK-25468] - Local recovery fails if local state storage and RocksDB working directory are not on the same volume

  • [FLINK-25477] - The directory structure of the State Backends document is not standardized

  • [FLINK-25513] - CoFlatMapFunction requires both two flat_maps to yield something


  • [FLINK-20443] - ContinuousProcessingTimeTrigger doesn't fire at the end of the window

  • [FLINK-21467] - Document possible recommended usage of Bounded{One/Multi}Input.endInput and emphasize that they could be called multiple times

  • [FLINK-23519] - Aggregate State Backend Latency by State Level

  • [FLINK-23798] - Avoid using reflection to get filter when partition filter is enabled

  • [FLINK-23842] - Add log messages for reader registrations and split requests.

  • [FLINK-23914] - Make connector testing framework more verbose on test failure

  • [FLINK-24117] - Remove unHandledErrorListener in ZooKeeperLeaderElectionDriver and ZooKeeperLeaderRetrievalDriver

  • [FLINK-24148] - Add bloom filter policy option in RocksDBConfiguredOptions

  • [FLINK-24382] - RecordsOut metric for sinks is inaccurate

  • [FLINK-24437] - Remove unhandled exception handler from CuratorFramework before closing it

  • [FLINK-24460] - Rocksdb Iterator Error Handling Improvement

  • [FLINK-24481] - Translate buffer debloat documenation to chinese

  • [FLINK-24529] - flink sql job cannot use custom job name

  • [FLINK-24631] - Avoiding directly use the labels as selector for deployment and service

  • [FLINK-24670] - Restructure unaligned checkpoints documentation page to "Checkpointing under back pressure"

  • [FLINK-24690] - Clarification of buffer size threshold calculation in BufferDebloater

  • [FLINK-24695] - Update how to configure unaligned checkpoints in the documentation

  • [FLINK-24739] - State requirements for Flink's application mode in the documentation

  • [FLINK-24813] - Improve ImplicitTypeConversionITCase

  • [FLINK-24880] - Error messages "OverflowError: timeout value is too large" shown when executing PyFlink jobs

  • [FLINK-24958] - correct the example and link for temporal table function documentation

  • [FLINK-24987] - Enhance ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup enum

  • [FLINK-25092] - Implement artifact cacher for Bash based Elasticsearch test

Technical Debt

  • [FLINK-24367] - Add a fallback AkkaRpcSystemLoader for tests in the IDE

  • [FLINK-24445] - Move RPC System packaging to package phase

  • [FLINK-24455] - FallbackAkkaRpcSystemLoader should check for maven errors

  • [FLINK-24513] - AkkaRpcSystemLoader must be an ITCase

  • [FLINK-24559] - flink-rpc-akka-loader does not bundle flink-rpc-akka

  • [FLINK-24609] - flink-rpc-akka uses wrong Scala version property for parser-combinators

  • [FLINK-24859] - Document new File formats

  • [FLINK-25472] - Update to Log4j 2.17.1



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